“They create a lot of screaming.”

Moving south on the west flank of Izyum. Got in a heck of a bar fight on the way down. Amazing what bringing AT, and Carl Gs with flechettes will do. That is the ADM rounds. They create a lot of screaming.

We would have got our asses handed to us if the Yooks didn’t move-in with some heavy stuff.

Misjudged their movement to the west and got caught in a bulge. Staying farther west now and heading to who knows where, just east, I think.

Heading south of Izyum, trying to stay west to keep from getting caught in a Russian pincer movement. If the Russians keep-up their present movements, we are likely going to be in a pretty significant fight. Still not sure where we will end-up, just know it will be applicable to trying to stop an advance from the Eastern front, which really extends from north to south on the eastern side of the country. Got into a pretty heavy skirmish about half-way between Kharkiv and Izyum, the Russian western flank had pushed-out farther west than we realized. Lost two guys.

(I sent a link to a France24 report on an American Vietnam veteran volunteering in Ukraine.

Glad to see another old fart here. I didn’t have to train any, but, I came in with contacts already made, and have had more recent combat experience in northern Iraq.

Russians starting to show some backbone, or are they still at the same level as before?

Still seems mostly green, but word is they are bringing-in more experienced troops for their supposed push. The bunch we ran into coming south were off the road and seemed to understand maneuvering toward fire instead of away from it. They were getting the best of us until we got some guys up with AT stuff, then they broke contact. Not knowing how many there were, and assuming they were not too far from a larger force, we did not pursue.