“’I love the smell of dead Russians in the morning.’”

Somebody has been spamming Russian tactical frequencies, with high power and a lot of bandwidth bleed, in fluent, northern Russian: “I love the smell of dead Russians in the morning.”

However it is, I hope they are moving. 

Do you mind if I share that, anonymized?

No problem. I have no idea how widespread it is, maybe very local, but it is coming from the north of Bakhmut. For sure it is a frequency hopping thing, probably SDR (software defined radio—ed.) driven, but with considerable power. 

I don’t see it as tactically important and I can assure you the Russians have been trying to track the transmission since it started. I think they are moving, since the signal waterfall changes constantly. 

How long has it been going on?

I first detected it about three hours ago. But, I was off radio prior to that, so not sure. 

Seems to my hear, which is not by any means expert, to be a northern educated accent.

Had a briefing late yesterday on the “backend”, or tooth to tail ratio of the Russian effort in Ukraine. The crux was, the losses are now driving high inefficiencies into both the sharp end and the support end, which was already low at about 1:2 ration.

So, on the Mil support end, the tail, those folks have to get moved to other positions to the teeth side to maintain the sharp point, meaning the supply side suffers, or they bring in civilians to compensate.

“Every time we destroy a supply depot, or interdict a supply rote, the ratio of the supply end has to grow to compensate. They do not have the people to make that work without general mobilization, and doing that means plugging inexperienced people into those roles.”

“Strategically, we can hollow out their logistics and supply by tactical victories here. That is why we need as many accurate munitions delivery platforms as we can get, and ones with longer range.”

I think Ukraine is supposed to get a lot more of that stuff very soon.

It will have an outsized effect. I am not bowing yet to the HIMARS God, but maybe a new ratio should be calculated, the HIMARS to A-10 Ratio.